Libera Fort Worth Texas
The St Philips Boys Choir [libera] - I Have A Dream -Angel Voices – 1993
Libera - St. Louis Meet & Greet
Libera - Nashville Slideshow
I am Sailing (I like this song!!!)
libera usa tour 2010
The St Philips Boys Choir [libera]- Angel Voices - Adoramus Te - - 1993
(another favorite song!!)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Libera Atlanta 2010
In this video is a few quotes as I do not want to spoil all the interviews this man who is a choir director did with all the boys.
"Will you come back next year?" (refering to Josh)
"I'll be here" and smiles (Josh)
"Is your brother singing in the choir yet?" (to Josh)
"Almost not yet" (Josh)
"I'm not going anywhere....Now I'm doing high tenor, and it's still loads of fun, and I'm NOT going anywhere. I'm staying right here where I am." (says Liam)
Monday, August 16, 2010
USA Concert Tour Program Guide
A huge thank you goes out to fan_de-LoK a true Libera fan as he traveled from Paris, France and followed the boys throughout their entire tour. Here is his program guides from each city starting with Dalles, Texas. You will see each city had it's own way for producing the program guide.
Fort Worth, Texas program guide
St. Louis Program Guide
Nashville Program Guide
Atlanta Program Guide (this is my favorite one!)
Thanks again to fan_de-LoK a member of Libera dreams for sharing these programs guides to all of us!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Review from LiberAeterna a member of Libera Dreams.
I also feel much better now as it appears I was not the only one a bit nervous during the signings As I had seen Libera perform before in Ireland, Nashville was my first opportunity to meet them. When I went through the line I think all I said to them was "Hello ____", "Good job", "Thank you" or other such simple greetings. I really was hoping to say something clever or witty the first time but it didn't seem to work out. I improved somewhat in Atlanta as, as Tom413 has said, we were in the back of the line. This, I think, helped me to prepare better as opposed to being in the front where sometimes everyone behind you is wanting to move along quickly. I must say I was more relaxed this time and I got to engage in a bit of nice conversation with some of the boys. They are all so charming and friendly with their fans. Here are a few memorable stories I hope you might like. I also hope in the near future to share some of my photos but they are not nearly as good as some of Lexi's and others I have seen!
When I got to Stefan, I said "great job tonight" and I mentioned to him that I had heard he sang in Poland for the Krakow Film Music Festival during the Lord of the Rings symphony. He asked me if I was there but I said, alas, I could not go but that a co-worker of mine did. I then said that I heard him sing on a Youtube video during the Return of the King segment. He seemed very excited and said "You can hear me sing on the video!"
I must say though that the most memorable part was when I got to Daniel. He was already smiling in my direction as I approached him . I really like how he gives you his full attention and is very engaging with everyone. I told him that I thought he sounded great on Stay With Me (although I should have said Going Home as well). He said thank you and at which point I noticed that he accidentally spilled some of his water on my program he was signing . I jokingly said to him in typical American slang, "Hey, what's up with that!". He looked up at me and looked so sad and shocked that I thought he might cry. He kept saying "I'm so sorry", "I feel so bad" . I smiled and tried to tell him that I was just joking with him; that it was quite all right and not to worry about it. At this point Eleanor Lewis came to the rescue with some paper and was able to dab it up . She was apologizing as well and I just smiled and said that "this makes it all the more memorable" . Although I did notice Kavana and Lexi (she was behind me a bit) teasing Daniel a little bit about it as well . I got to Kavana and said "What's up Kavana!" at which point he went to the high five with his cute "Thank You" drawing printed on his hand .
I want to say that it was so nice meeting you Flora at the Nashville concert One of the things that makes going to see Libera special is meeting all the great fans like yourself who love the group as much as you do. I would also like to thank Lexi and her Mom for being so warm and friendly to me. I really enjoyed all our conversations and will always remember the time we all met briefly Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley and Sam Coates in Nashville after the Sunday services . If I hadn't been with you two wonderful people at the time I never would have got Big Ben's and Sam's autographs for my Luminosa booklet!! Also, to tom413 and whitetail1985 for being so open and knowledgeable about Libera. Lastly, I must not forget my "French Connection Team" of fan_de_LoK and Geozed. Your kindness and support for allowing me to accompany you from Nashville to Atlanta in your rental car is something I will never forget. I improved my French only a little bit though . Hopefully, we can all meet again next year for US Tour 2011
Program Guide
Concert details from Patrick & Geozed at French forum:
1. Adoramus (solo - Stefan & Luke)
2. Speech by Freddie - likeable, lots of applause for speeches
3. Time (Josh+Ralph+Alex sang Josh's part; Mini Ben+Ralph+Alex sang Mini Ben's part)
4. Sanctus (Stefan on sanctus)
5. Sanctissima (Sammy)
6. Speech by Kavana - he acted like the choir director having the guys demonstrate the different voices in
the choir, big applause cause he's so animated!
7. Ave Verum (Carlos & Matthew R-A)
8. Far Away (Ralph - very good)
9. Salva Me (Stefan)
10. Speech by Mini Ben - he told about their long detour home after Spring Tour and thanked people for
coming from as far away as Canada, France, Japan, Mexico and...Waco (which is like 100 miles
away. Ha!).
11. Agnus Dei (Alex)
12. Exultate (Stefan)
Intermission - Jonathan did not sing during the 2nd half ???
13. Mysterium (surprise - Ralph sings first then Stefan & alternate)
14. Gloria
15. Speech by Freddie again! - explaining robes, hoods and such
16. The Fountain (Ralph - very good, Mr. Prizeman used grand piano for next 4 songs)
Henry coughed a lot and left the stage after this song but came back later.
17. How Can I Keep From Singing (Sammy)
18. When A Knight Won His Spurs (Ralph)
19. Love and Mercy (solo - Mini James then duet with Freddie)
20. Speech by Josh - how his voice has changed slowly from age 9 when he started with Libera
to now at age 15.
21. Deep Peace - (Stefan)
22. Stay With Me - (Daniel with Ralph, Matthew R-A on high part)
23. Going Home - Patrick's favorite of the night (Sammy sang Josh's part from Leiden DVD, Daniel sang
Mini Ben's part and Alex sang Tom's part)
24. Speech by Cassius - last song, thank you for coming
25. How Shall I Sing That Majesty (Stefan & Jakob)
26. Encore: Libera (Stefan
1. Adoramus (solo - Stefan & Luke)
2. Speech by Freddie - likeable, lots of applause for speeches
3. Time (Josh+Ralph+Alex sang Josh's part; Mini Ben+Ralph+Alex sang Mini Ben's part)
4. Sanctus (Stefan on sanctus)
5. Sanctissima (Sammy)
6. Speech by Kavana - he acted like the choir director having the guys demonstrate the different voices in
the choir, big applause cause he's so animated!
7. Ave Verum (Carlos & Matthew R-A)
8. Far Away (Ralph - very good)
9. Salva Me (Stefan)
10. Speech by Mini Ben - he told about their long detour home after Spring Tour and thanked people for
coming from as far away as Canada, France, Japan, Mexico and...Waco (which is like 100 miles
away. Ha!).
11. Agnus Dei (Alex)
12. Exultate (Stefan)
Intermission - Jonathan did not sing during the 2nd half ???
13. Mysterium (surprise - Ralph sings first then Stefan & alternate)
14. Gloria
15. Speech by Freddie again! - explaining robes, hoods and such
16. The Fountain (Ralph - very good, Mr. Prizeman used grand piano for next 4 songs)
Henry coughed a lot and left the stage after this song but came back later.
17. How Can I Keep From Singing (Sammy)
18. When A Knight Won His Spurs (Ralph)
19. Love and Mercy (solo - Mini James then duet with Freddie)
20. Speech by Josh - how his voice has changed slowly from age 9 when he started with Libera
to now at age 15.
21. Deep Peace - (Stefan)
22. Stay With Me - (Daniel with Ralph, Matthew R-A on high part)
23. Going Home - Patrick's favorite of the night (Sammy sang Josh's part from Leiden DVD, Daniel sang
Mini Ben's part and Alex sang Tom's part)
24. Speech by Cassius - last song, thank you for coming
25. How Shall I Sing That Majesty (Stefan & Jakob)
26. Encore: Libera (Stefan
Texas concert
Fan_de_LoK posted that there are 22 boys - Cassius, Mini James, Henry, Stefan, Kavana, Ralph, Alex, Tiarnan, Sam, Josh (happy, happy, happy!), Jonathan, Liam, Jakob, Mini Ben, Sammy, Daniel, Carlos, James T., Luke, Matthew A-R, a newbie named Matthew Jansen and Freddie! There were supposed to be 24, but Chix posted on Libera Dreams that she confirmed with Callum there are 22 on this trip.
And Fiona is there playing her violin! How cool is that?!!!!
David on, once again, the French fan forum (are they the best or what?) posted the whole morning church service at I'm watching it now! :)
It's funny how, no matter what's going on in church that day, some people just HAVE to sit in the back. Libera is there! What are you people doing?! Ha! In our church we joke that we all have assigned seats with our family names engraved on the sides of the pews. Nobody ever moves. Heaven help the visitor who ruins it all. :)
During the opening part you can see a few wiggles and yawns. So cute! Nice to see them all singing along with the congregation. And, hey, guys, you're supposed to close your eyes during prayer. lol Nice close-up of Mr. Prizeman going to the piano. Mini Ben leads everyone out from their seats in the choir loft to sing, and he floats like an angel walking on clouds. Seriously!
"How Can I Keep From Singing?" was just WOW! Sammy did such a great job on the solo, and they sound JUST THE SAME as on their albums! Oh those high notes!
The pastor is speaking now with Fiona sitting behind him holding her violin. She probably doesn't realize she's being filmed the whole time. But she has very good stage presence.
Nice church service. The guys were all VERY still while telling about the Lord's Supper. Can I just say that I am also very thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and that because I have accepted Him into my heart as my Saviour, I know I'm going to heaven someday.
"Sanctus" was beautiful! Can't tell who sang the last "sanctus" part. Little extra breath at the end, but keepin' it all positive and happy here! Loved it! Then when the service ends they file out...probably to get lunch. :)
Also happy to read from Geozed that people were "dressed chic" for church. Go USA!
And Fiona is there playing her violin! How cool is that?!!!!
David on, once again, the French fan forum (are they the best or what?) posted the whole morning church service at I'm watching it now! :)
It's funny how, no matter what's going on in church that day, some people just HAVE to sit in the back. Libera is there! What are you people doing?! Ha! In our church we joke that we all have assigned seats with our family names engraved on the sides of the pews. Nobody ever moves. Heaven help the visitor who ruins it all. :)
During the opening part you can see a few wiggles and yawns. So cute! Nice to see them all singing along with the congregation. And, hey, guys, you're supposed to close your eyes during prayer. lol Nice close-up of Mr. Prizeman going to the piano. Mini Ben leads everyone out from their seats in the choir loft to sing, and he floats like an angel walking on clouds. Seriously!
"How Can I Keep From Singing?" was just WOW! Sammy did such a great job on the solo, and they sound JUST THE SAME as on their albums! Oh those high notes!
The pastor is speaking now with Fiona sitting behind him holding her violin. She probably doesn't realize she's being filmed the whole time. But she has very good stage presence.
Nice church service. The guys were all VERY still while telling about the Lord's Supper. Can I just say that I am also very thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and that because I have accepted Him into my heart as my Saviour, I know I'm going to heaven someday.
"Sanctus" was beautiful! Can't tell who sang the last "sanctus" part. Little extra breath at the end, but keepin' it all positive and happy here! Loved it! Then when the service ends they file out...probably to get lunch. :)
Also happy to read from Geozed that people were "dressed chic" for church. Go USA!
Entire worship service (not on youtube)
Dalles Service (once this opens up go down to the 3rd paragraph after "Preston 1 and 2 videos. and you will see this link in the 3rd paragraph click on it and it will open.
Friday, August 13, 2010
St. Louis Concert Review
"Lexi" who is a member of Libera Dreams could not go to the St.Louis concert so her parents went and here is their review of the concert.
We drove 4 ½ hours from Chicago to St. Louis. Downstate Illinois has a few large cities but mostly is farms, corn and soy bean fields, windmills and road construction.
We arrived at the Cathedral Basilica at 4:00 p.m. and parked behind the church. We saw a man getting something out of the trunk of his car, so I spoke to him. It was Patrick from the French forum! He is so nice!
The Cathedral is very beautiful. We were allowed to wait inside in the air conditioning and could see Libera practicing through the small windows of the interior doors! We could hear them as well! When I heard them sing “Libera,” I started getting VERY excited!
While in the lobby we talked to the nicest man who was setting out CD’s and posters for sale. I asked him if he was with Libera, and he said, “Yes.” We began chatting with him about Libera, and he answered so many questions I had. He said he used to live in Tulsa, Oklahoma! I was informed later by other Libera Dreams members present that it was Mini-Ben’s dad! I had NO idea! Ha!
We met so many great Libera fans! Patrick from France, Francis from Canada, Leslie from Canada, Tom from Wisconsin, Fred from Vermont, Dennis from Wisconsin, Luke (with the great camera) and his wife from Utah, Roberto from Maryland there with his wife and mother who is from Bolivia, Tom from Kansas City, a man from Denver, the lovely girls from Japan - Mina, Yuki, Koko and Momo there with her 2 friends! Sorry if I misspelled or forgot any names. They were all so nice and such great Libera fans!
At 5:00 p.m. we were asked to wait outside, and the doors were locked. It was quite warm. Dennis and later my husband, Paul, went and bought people bottled water, pops and M&M’s. At one point the very knowledgeable Libera fans quizzed me to see if I knew all of the boys’ names. I passed the test with flying colors! Whew!
At 6:30 p.m. we began to get our tickets ready to enter. I asked Dennis, “Why is my ticket green and your ticket is blue?” He said, “Hey! How did you get tickets #2 & #3?” I had not noticed the numbers on the tickets. They were tickets in order of sale time. Patrick’s was the next closest at #7. I guess that impressed them all, and I got a lot of Libera “street-cred” for being so fast to purchase. I may be a newbie, but I’m getting there. Wonder who got #1?
We entered at 6:30, and Patrick advised that we sit in the center as close to the front as possible. We sat in the 10th row, I think. His opinion was correct since it gave the best view, sound and overall effects. Most of the cathedral was full except for the far sides which had a limited view of the stage anyway and had to watch on a TV screen.
I will not go through all the songs and soloists, since that has been posted already. I will just give my thoughts on the concert as a whole. This was my first Libera concert, and it was better than I ever imagined. Many people are more eloquent than I, but words cannot express what it is like to hear and see them live. I liked the acoustics in the church. The songs just echoed beautifully. They were amazing! Wow, can they sing! I think their songs sound better live than on the CD’s! How is that possible? Listening to the Leiden concert CD, it always bothers me that the audience claps too soon. When a song ends, I just want it to echo out into silence, take a breath, then applaud. This concert was better, but I’d still like a longer pause to drink it all in.
The lighting was wonderful! Sometimes they glowed in colors of blue or red or yellow. Other times there were patterns of light on the mosaic ceiling and walls. This cathedral really let them make good use of the lighting, and it always coordinated with the song they were singing.
I also liked the choreography a lot! Their positions and use of their hoods was very effective. They started the concert with “Adoramus.” Stefan walked up the center aisle while singing a capella. It’s quite striking to have him walk right by you, and you can hear how clear, strong and pure his voice is! The other boys walked up either side aisle with their hoods up. Very cool!
I loved “Time” since Josh sang it. He has a beautiful, smooth, rich voice. Alex did a great job on “Agnus Dei.” I loved the harmony on that one. I can’t say enough good things about “Mysterium.” Ralph and Stefan sang from high balconies on either side of the church while holding candles. Their voices reverberated into the half domes above them. Some people were not able to see them, but the choir was singing on the stage, and Ralph and Stefan’s voices echoed high above you. Another great use of the church’s architecture!
I’m so thrilled that we got to hear Ralph and Sammy singing solos. They did an excellent job. And Matthew R-A on those high notes! Wow! On “Love and Mercy” there is something about that pause-echo before the last chorus that moves me every time. And then Mini-James sang that last “mercy and love…” all by himself! Such a strong, steady voice for such a little guy! He was great! The last song was “How Shall I Sing That Majesty,” and, as always, I cried. Just thinking about the words to that song makes me tear up. Add Stefan’s voice to it, and the tissues have to come out.
Some people complained that they could not understand it when the boys spoke because of the echo. I DID strain to hear some of their words, but I give a lot of credit to Josh. I understood every word he said. He’s an excellent speaker, so calm and poised. Ben and Kavana were so fun and funny.
Someone asked me if seeing them live changed my impression of any one boy. Daniel stands out to me, because his face is so happy and animated while he sings. He truly seems to be enjoying himself up there.
There was a Meet & Greet afterwards, and apparently for the first time ever, it was held outside! They were so nice to sit outside in the 86 degree, humid weather. They just smiled and rolled up their sleeves. All the boys were funnier and cuter in person and took our American-style of teasing them very well. They all have a great sense of humor.
I feel so honored to have gotten to see them and hope that they receive as much happiness from their U.S. tour as they have given to all of us. Thank you for coming and PLEASE come back again ANY time, ANY where!
Another Atlanta Review
This time this review is from "Tom 413" another member of Libera Dreams. I thought having two different view would be interesting to post.
I haven't really done any kind of opinion piece on the tour yet, so here goes.
Fair warning it will be novel length.
Atlanta was the most impressive facility on this year's tour. Upon arriving and meeting up with Geozed, FDL and LiberAeterna we sought out Cindy Gregg who gave us our tickets and proudly showed off the concert booklet for the night. Atlanta definitely produced the nicest book of the tour by far - this was a program worthy of a pricetag however all who attended received one free. After receiving a mini-tour of some of the buildings, I went to stow mine away in the car so that it would be safe.
It was clear that Atlanta did not have a plan for the logistics of handling the early arriving crowd. The disadvantage of unreserved seating is the need to be in line early to claim the best seats, but there was no place set aside for us to line up. Libera management really likes them to practice in peace far away from the distractions that the fanbase can offer (if you were at the Crystal cathedral last year you might have an idea why) so it becomes a logistical question of where to place the people to achieve everyone's ends. In Dallas we were allowed to wait just outside the entrance of the church until the boys arrived, then we were moved into an adjacent room with the door closed. In Fort Worth, that room was quite far away from the church but open for business all day. In St. Louis we were sent to the steps at 5:00pm, but allowed air conditioning in the vestibule until then. In Nashville it was a vestibule again until Mr. Philipp rescued the increasingly sweaty fanbase (I switched shirts before that concert!) and had us moved inside to the autograph room.
In Atlanta we were invited to go across the street from the church entrance to a nice lodge with wi-fi and food and drink available. It was a great space to visit with all of the early arrivals but it made some in our group extremely nervous that we couldn't see whether any line was forming. FDL has these recurring nightmares of busloads of concertgoers who linejump him.
After changing into more appropriate concert attire, I used the need to stow my casual clothes as a reason to head over to the church and see what was going on. Fortunately I ran into Mr. Philipp on the way to my car and apprised him of the situation. When I got back in the building he advised me it had been taken care of and we shouldn't worry. This news was sufficient to leave us seated in air conditioned comfort across the street with newly made friends from Japan and Mexico. As the clock struck 5 however we could take it no more.
We walked over and still found no line set up (the doors opened at 6 mind you) so after consulting with Lydia, our kind hostess, we started one. We probably did so not a moment to soon as once it was started the line began to grow. While in line we noticed Audrey Winkelsas, who appeared with Libera in the Hour of Power last year, and her family in line.
Once inside I was disappointed to find that some of the best seats had been reserved and that some church members who used a different entrance close to the front took out the very first row on the left side. Fortunately this row did not go all the way to the aisle so Geozed and I still got our unobstructed view. It did however send FDL over to the right side of the aisle for the first time in the series. When one of the local violinists who had reserved the two spots up front needed three, Lexi and Lauren were able to move into those seats.
The concert had the same set lists and the same messages as did the other four. However due to a peculiar sound mix, I was able to hear Sam, Cassius, Kavana like never before. The sound in general came off a bit muted which was extremely good news for the hyper-animated Ben and his epic story of Libera's journey home from the Philippines. I thought the audience responded to him better here than anywhere else on tour.
As to the songs, I thought the solo through the crowd bit done at various times in the tour on Adoramus/Libera and Mysterium was a big hit. Mysterium's performance most nights was pure theatre with the battle of ahhs between the powerful Ralph and Stefan who holds his notes longer. The organ performance generally added to the mood as did each of those hoods being put on and heads bowed at the conclusion of the song with a great segue into Gloria (hoods off, smiles on!) which brightened up the mood considerably.
Ralph, Kavana and Mini James greatly improved on their Far Away from Dallas to Atlanta it was a highlight most nights.
I was quite pleased with the performance of Agnus Dei. I must single out Jakob for his growth as a performer during the tour. Jakob had key parts in this song, Time, Going Home, Ave verum and How Shall I Sing That Majesty. I really enjoyed his voice in Lead Kindly Light which was not performed and was pleased that he got as much front and center work as he did on this tour.
I was very happy to hear The Fountain played in concert. The live version starts with the piano intro familiar to all Barry Manilow fans before the chorus takes over. This is my very favorite song from the Peace CD and it seems quite a workout for Ralph as Ben is only able to partially support his work.
Which reminds me.....I don't believe that anyone else has mentioned that Sammy's solos are generally done without support. RP must have had great faith in him to leave him out there like that in only his second year on the road. Sammy did quite well throughout the tour.
No matter what song is being sung, my eyes will probably be on Kavana first. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Flynn and to a lesser extent Kavana in past years, but Kavana ratcheted up his enthusiasm level this year to new heights. Giving him the "conductor" speech was a really good move because he leads with such flourish.
Circumstances placed me right in front of him in Dallas and I spent the rest of the tour trying to get that same seat. Only in St. Louis was I thwarted. Daniel also has a stage presence that commands attention and when the two of them are placed together, it's hard for me to divert my attention. My most joyous moment of the entire tour was watching the two of them belt out the chorus of Amazing Love (video of the song, not of those two, available at though the church's rendering was more lively than it is on this video) in Nashville during the Awakening service while most of their fellow choristers stood beside them tight-lipped.
Getting back to Atlanta... I gained a new appreciation for How Shall I Sing That Majesty as a finale in Atlanta. The final notes and the lighting combined to have a real powerful effect on me, either that or it was the knowledge that the tour was ending.
In the autograph line LiberAeterna, Lexi, Lauren and I deliberately hung back toward the end of the line looking to extend our experience as long as possible. The boys were downright jovial receiving the public as they were looking forward to a small vacation before heading home. My one mission in line that night was to make sure I wished Ralph a happy birthday (it's today!). He seemed a little choked up about the birthday wishes; I hope he wasn't a bit homesick having to celebrate his birthday on the road. We assured one another that a good party was awaiting him back home and Lexi put him back on track by turning his attention to the surprise that awaited him here.
Liam got me on track by teasing me about the latest blog (I had tried to get him to spill the beans as to who wrote it when we were in Nashville). I still think he's behind it and its been said by others that we will be told who wrote it eventually, but in the here and now Liam was having fun with this, suggesting some of his neighbors as possible authors instead. I enjoyed the banter with Libera's old guard (Liam, JB, Alex, Tiarnan) in line the last few days and this was a good way to close out my experience this year.
It was an amazing adventure which covered 13 days and 3972 miles (that's 6392 km) all by car. I have travelled to see Libera before but never for this long. I am thankful for the kindness extended to us by most of the venues and by Libera management, in particular Steve Philipp, whose support of the most dedicated fans should not be overlooked. I am grateful for the friendship extended by all of the people who helped me pass the time waiting. Getting to know each of you and spending time hanging out with you is almost as much fun as a Libera concert!
I haven't really done any kind of opinion piece on the tour yet, so here goes.
Fair warning it will be novel length.
Atlanta was the most impressive facility on this year's tour. Upon arriving and meeting up with Geozed, FDL and LiberAeterna we sought out Cindy Gregg who gave us our tickets and proudly showed off the concert booklet for the night. Atlanta definitely produced the nicest book of the tour by far - this was a program worthy of a pricetag however all who attended received one free. After receiving a mini-tour of some of the buildings, I went to stow mine away in the car so that it would be safe.
It was clear that Atlanta did not have a plan for the logistics of handling the early arriving crowd. The disadvantage of unreserved seating is the need to be in line early to claim the best seats, but there was no place set aside for us to line up. Libera management really likes them to practice in peace far away from the distractions that the fanbase can offer (if you were at the Crystal cathedral last year you might have an idea why) so it becomes a logistical question of where to place the people to achieve everyone's ends. In Dallas we were allowed to wait just outside the entrance of the church until the boys arrived, then we were moved into an adjacent room with the door closed. In Fort Worth, that room was quite far away from the church but open for business all day. In St. Louis we were sent to the steps at 5:00pm, but allowed air conditioning in the vestibule until then. In Nashville it was a vestibule again until Mr. Philipp rescued the increasingly sweaty fanbase (I switched shirts before that concert!) and had us moved inside to the autograph room.
In Atlanta we were invited to go across the street from the church entrance to a nice lodge with wi-fi and food and drink available. It was a great space to visit with all of the early arrivals but it made some in our group extremely nervous that we couldn't see whether any line was forming. FDL has these recurring nightmares of busloads of concertgoers who linejump him.
After changing into more appropriate concert attire, I used the need to stow my casual clothes as a reason to head over to the church and see what was going on. Fortunately I ran into Mr. Philipp on the way to my car and apprised him of the situation. When I got back in the building he advised me it had been taken care of and we shouldn't worry. This news was sufficient to leave us seated in air conditioned comfort across the street with newly made friends from Japan and Mexico. As the clock struck 5 however we could take it no more.
We walked over and still found no line set up (the doors opened at 6 mind you) so after consulting with Lydia, our kind hostess, we started one. We probably did so not a moment to soon as once it was started the line began to grow. While in line we noticed Audrey Winkelsas, who appeared with Libera in the Hour of Power last year, and her family in line.
Once inside I was disappointed to find that some of the best seats had been reserved and that some church members who used a different entrance close to the front took out the very first row on the left side. Fortunately this row did not go all the way to the aisle so Geozed and I still got our unobstructed view. It did however send FDL over to the right side of the aisle for the first time in the series. When one of the local violinists who had reserved the two spots up front needed three, Lexi and Lauren were able to move into those seats.
The concert had the same set lists and the same messages as did the other four. However due to a peculiar sound mix, I was able to hear Sam, Cassius, Kavana like never before. The sound in general came off a bit muted which was extremely good news for the hyper-animated Ben and his epic story of Libera's journey home from the Philippines. I thought the audience responded to him better here than anywhere else on tour.
As to the songs, I thought the solo through the crowd bit done at various times in the tour on Adoramus/Libera and Mysterium was a big hit. Mysterium's performance most nights was pure theatre with the battle of ahhs between the powerful Ralph and Stefan who holds his notes longer. The organ performance generally added to the mood as did each of those hoods being put on and heads bowed at the conclusion of the song with a great segue into Gloria (hoods off, smiles on!) which brightened up the mood considerably.
Ralph, Kavana and Mini James greatly improved on their Far Away from Dallas to Atlanta it was a highlight most nights.
I was quite pleased with the performance of Agnus Dei. I must single out Jakob for his growth as a performer during the tour. Jakob had key parts in this song, Time, Going Home, Ave verum and How Shall I Sing That Majesty. I really enjoyed his voice in Lead Kindly Light which was not performed and was pleased that he got as much front and center work as he did on this tour.
I was very happy to hear The Fountain played in concert. The live version starts with the piano intro familiar to all Barry Manilow fans before the chorus takes over. This is my very favorite song from the Peace CD and it seems quite a workout for Ralph as Ben is only able to partially support his work.
Which reminds me.....I don't believe that anyone else has mentioned that Sammy's solos are generally done without support. RP must have had great faith in him to leave him out there like that in only his second year on the road. Sammy did quite well throughout the tour.
No matter what song is being sung, my eyes will probably be on Kavana first. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Flynn and to a lesser extent Kavana in past years, but Kavana ratcheted up his enthusiasm level this year to new heights. Giving him the "conductor" speech was a really good move because he leads with such flourish.
Circumstances placed me right in front of him in Dallas and I spent the rest of the tour trying to get that same seat. Only in St. Louis was I thwarted. Daniel also has a stage presence that commands attention and when the two of them are placed together, it's hard for me to divert my attention. My most joyous moment of the entire tour was watching the two of them belt out the chorus of Amazing Love (video of the song, not of those two, available at though the church's rendering was more lively than it is on this video) in Nashville during the Awakening service while most of their fellow choristers stood beside them tight-lipped.
Getting back to Atlanta... I gained a new appreciation for How Shall I Sing That Majesty as a finale in Atlanta. The final notes and the lighting combined to have a real powerful effect on me, either that or it was the knowledge that the tour was ending.
In the autograph line LiberAeterna, Lexi, Lauren and I deliberately hung back toward the end of the line looking to extend our experience as long as possible. The boys were downright jovial receiving the public as they were looking forward to a small vacation before heading home. My one mission in line that night was to make sure I wished Ralph a happy birthday (it's today!). He seemed a little choked up about the birthday wishes; I hope he wasn't a bit homesick having to celebrate his birthday on the road. We assured one another that a good party was awaiting him back home and Lexi put him back on track by turning his attention to the surprise that awaited him here.
Liam got me on track by teasing me about the latest blog (I had tried to get him to spill the beans as to who wrote it when we were in Nashville). I still think he's behind it and its been said by others that we will be told who wrote it eventually, but in the here and now Liam was having fun with this, suggesting some of his neighbors as possible authors instead. I enjoyed the banter with Libera's old guard (Liam, JB, Alex, Tiarnan) in line the last few days and this was a good way to close out my experience this year.
It was an amazing adventure which covered 13 days and 3972 miles (that's 6392 km) all by car. I have travelled to see Libera before but never for this long. I am thankful for the kindness extended to us by most of the venues and by Libera management, in particular Steve Philipp, whose support of the most dedicated fans should not be overlooked. I am grateful for the friendship extended by all of the people who helped me pass the time waiting. Getting to know each of you and spending time hanging out with you is almost as much fun as a Libera concert!
Atlanta Concert review
"Lexi" a member of Libera Dreams posted a review (on Libera Dreams) of the Atlanta concert.
Just got back to the hotel from the Atlanta concert! It was great! We got seats front and center on the aisle! (squeals of delight!) It was amazing because we could actually hear their voices, not just through the microphones, but right in front of us! Those little ones can sing! They've got some great singers moving up through the ranks.
Freddie, Matthew Jansen, Matthew R-A and Luke were on the right side, and they sing high, loudly and clearly! Mini-James, Cassius, Kavana and I think Carlos and Henry were on the left. (Sorry if I got that wrong.) We distinctly heard Kavana's voice. He has an excellent voice and can sing high or low. At one point Sam was front left, and we heard his rich, full voice! Wow! Unless they have solos, we don't know what they sound like cause they're singing harmony. It was pretty cool to hear. Stefan, Smiley Daniel :) , Ralph, Sammy, Jakob, Mini James, Alex, and Carlos again did a great job on their solos.
During the transition from one song to the next, they were all moving into place, and Henry JUMPED down from the steps above and his robe went "whoosh." So cute!
Cassius had a bit of a coughing attack during "Going Home," and then had to do his speaking part right afterwards. As soon as the lights went down, Cassius didn't move, so several of the middle-age boys grabbed him and pushed him to center stage. Stefan had his hand on Cassius' shoulder until he started to speak. Poor Cassius swallowed hard and said his speech perfectly without coughing anymore.
I mentioned in my Nashville review that Josh is always the first one to move and knows where everyone else should be. At one point Sammy was standing in front of Josh and Liam, and Josh grabbed him by the shoulders and physically moved him in front of Josh and Jonathan to center him. It also seems that Josh is always the first one to get into position, but now I'm noticing that Daniel is always the last. He glides very smoothly and calmly from one place to the other, and smiles the whole time. He gets there eventually. :D
The Meet & Greet was soooo much fun! First up was Henry. He signed his usual "HB" for his signature, so we told him we decided he should get a really cool signature, something like "King Henry." So he drew a crown above his "HB." lol
I talked to Matthew Jansen and found out that he is 9 years old but will be 10 in September. He was in a happy hyper mood.
Tom asked the little boys - Henry, Matthey Jansen, Cassius, Luke, Freddie and Matthew R-A what their favorite restaurant in the States is, and they all said, "Cracker Barrel!" The older boys said, "Johnny Rockets." They had just gone there for lunch.
We told them we made up little treat bags for each of them filled with American candy. Luke said, "I LOVE American candy!" lol
Daniel spilled his water on a program that he was signing and was so apologetic. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Geraghty wiped it up, and we said, "At least it's only water."
Daniel, Mini James and Kavana again drew smiley faces on their hands. Daniel's smiley had its tongue sticking out. Mini James's had a full stick figure saying "Hi." Kavana's had a speech bubble that said, "Thank You."
We told Sam about the candy we brought for them but added that the littler kids might like it more, so maybe the bigger kids could use their candy to get the littler ones to do things for them! Sam said, "Like a bribe." Exactly! Ha!
My mom high-fived Ralph for doing an even better job in Atlanta than he did in Nashville. He progressively got better from St. Louis to Nashville to Atlanta. Don't know how he did it, but he DID! I wished Ralph a "Happy Birthday" in 2 days. He'll still be in the States for his birthday, and I asked him if they have anything special planned. He said that Daniel knows what it is, then all the other boys chimed in, "We ALL know! You're the only one that doesn't!" :)
We told Stefan that he has a really nice signature. It's big and showy. JT said, "He stole that from me!" So we said, "Yeah, but look what we got...King Henry!" and showed them Henry's "HB" with the crown on top. So Stefan drew a crown on top of the picture of himself and gave himself a beard. He is VERY funny!
Tiarnan, Josh and Ben had drawn on their hands as well. Ben's was dots all up and down his hand, and he said he has a disease. :)
They were all so nice and thanked us for coming to see them. So we said, "No, thank YOU for coming here." It was so great that they could come to the U.S. and put on these wonderful concerts for us. Thank you, Libera. Come again soon!
Photos on USA Tour
"Lexi" a member of Libera Dreams has taken the best photos of anyone on the USA Tour. Here is a sample of the pictures. To see all the photos go to my Libera Choir page to see all of the photos. I will be using the photos to update the choir profile. I have found out that Matthew Jansen is 9 and turning 10 in September.
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