Monday, October 26, 2009

Program Guide Manila Concert

1. Adoramus (none)
2. Gloria (none)
3. Far Away - miniBen with Kavana doing the high chorus part
4. Stay with me - Daniel as main solo and Matthew doing the high parts
5. Sancte - Stefan --> I'm not very sure with this because I didn't see who sang the first 'creator'. I was watching Liam and I don't think his lips were moving. The second one was sung by Stefan.
6. Secret - miniBen (the solo in the intro was replaced by the violin)
7. Salva me - Stefan
8. Sanctus - mostly a group effort with Kavana and Stefan doing the high parts, I think
9. Ave Maria - mostly group, but the two in the middle were Jakob and miniBen
10. Libera - one of my fave numbers, solo by Liam


1. Sakura (none)
2. When a knight won his spurs (Stefan)
3. Hymn to beauty (none)
4. Prayer from Hansel & Gretel - Freddie with mini James
5. You were there - Josh with a variation in the last part of the chorus
6. Orinoco Flow (none)
7. How can I keep from singing - intro was done by a group, ending by Josh
8. Sacris Solemnis - mostly group, Stefan doing the high parts
9. Love & Mercy - Josh
10. I am the Day - Josh and Sam
Bayan Ko - in the middle, Ben sang the solo


Anonymous said...

just watched the cebu concert. why tom didn't have any solo? liam and josh had solos... tom is really my favorite. he has a full voice which can reach precise high notes...

music4 said...

The reason Tom did not sing any solos is because he only now sings the low parts. Most likly is solo career with Libera is over. I know Josh is about to break his voice and join Tom in the back row. Liam is not to far behind. Prizeman is now working in giving more solo parts to the younger boys as he did at the concert.

Anonymous said...

the new boys are really cute but i don't know their names... how do i get to associate their names to their faces?

music4 said...

I manage a website where I am in charge of each boy's profile along with many postings, forums and many other things. I just got done updating the boy's new pictures from Manila that will help you. I just spoke with the owner of that website by e-mail and he was very luck to watch the boys load into the airplane which happened to be his plane also while they were flying to Cebu. Here is that website.

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